Office of International Affairs

Hasanuddin University’s Students Are Taking Internship at UMI

The International Office of Universitas Muslim Indonesia (UMI) Welcomes Internship Students from Hasanuddin University (UNHAS)

Early this year, 2020, the International Office of UMI is active in handling internship activities. After sending three (3) students to Thailand last November 2019, now, three (3) students from UNHAS are doing an internship at the International Office of UMI.

This internship is a part of the universities’ collaboration. The internship will be done for eight weeks at the International Office of UMI, Menara UMI Lt. 1.

The interns are Muh. Agung Rimba Maha Putra, Muh. Naufal and Madeline Yudith. The head of the International Office of UNHAS, Karmila Mokoginta, S.S., M.Hum, M.A direct drives the students to UMI on Thursday, 20 February 2020.


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